Are you vexed by evil spirits
Tormented and feeling the effects of demonization.

Driven to compulsive addictive behaviors and don't understand the root cause.
Do you suffer from sexual abusiveness, and desire to stop?


Do you fear you're a victim of some satanically oppressed scheme?
 Then fear not Jesus is in the business of breaking generational curses. Sister Rose can point you in the right direction with her years of Biblical insight and anointed ministering. Countless of persons have been delivered & set free for the glory of God... Many people turn away from God because they have been abused by churches and pastors; others are wounded through broken relationships. Nevertheless Sister Rose believes pain is a universal language, life sometimes isn't fair and often brings many complications resulting in a root of bitterness. Some seek out religion instead of having a relationship with God and unfortunately others rebel in seeking love in all the wrong places. While others turn to false religions and practice occultism dabbling in the black arts only to become deceived and disillusioned by dark forces. Why because darkness cannot bring liberation or light into the soul neither can joy exist in a fragmented soul? If you come across our website it's not by coincidence, but by the leading of the Holy Spirit to do something supernatural in your life. It's time to break off the curses with God's power. Standing in the gap ministries is about reaching the untouchables, proclaiming the good news and fulfilling the great commission. Reverend Rose Ondush provides freedom through her preaching messages with Biblical information showing others how to obtain freedom. She believes no bondage is too great or small that cannot be broken in the name of Jesus. Yes it's all about breaking the vicious cycle of victimization through the spoken word of God making it possible through renunciation of sins in order to retain a better life, to become an Overcomer...    

Listen to Amen Sister Rose on Youtube    

Sister Rose is a passionate ordained preacher fulfilling® her prophetic call on radio,  preaching, in church functions, along with evangelistic street meetings, and with foreign missions made possible through ®heartfelt donations. She preaches with fervency in exposing occultism, and confronting the Laodicean  church with tough ®love. The messages are seasoned with prophetic insight along with investigated reporting. Sister Rose  "A Prophetic Voice" for turbulent end-times we live in…Standing in the Gap bridging the gap with prophetic nuggets of truth! Real Christians are not obsessed with national alliances, come what may their real concern isn’t with Patriotism but with a better kingdom!
My itinerary & vision to see defenseless children sheltered and nourished throughout the indigenous lands of Asia and
Middle East and South America. Sister Rose is reaching the international nations like India & the Caribbean and South America, also Dominican Republic bringing a prophetic touch with much needed love.
What can you survive?  I have a personal pledge ®I often stated to a certain few. I can ®survive tomorrow if they decide to close down- every church with a lock because the Lord is my Shepherd, oh I’m not glorifying the shut –down of churches. But I can survive> Driven like the pure snow. Tested and tried like pure gold, I can survive because I ®know my position in God. I can survive the economic collapse because the Lord is good and plenty. Conforming to my Masters hand and with perfect lift Soaring high® like the eagle not gobbling like the turkeys. I can survive being overlooked & not being inducted into the hall of fame with hits of popularity because I receive my dividends from my Commander-&-chief God. I can survive competitiveness because my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: I can survive indefinitely In Him. Prophetess Rose can be heard on radio &
Google & youtube ,And Facebook & other social media

If your in need of urgent prayer or desire personal ministering please contact us at Let us go boldly to the throne room of God through his loving grace & believe God for a Miracle of Deliverance...

Spiritual Warfare; Standing in The Gap Ministries Provides

Biblical Insight. Teachings and Equipping the Saints to fight against the Evil forces to Win Victory over the Enemy. For such a time as this We "Stand In The Gap. As  we approach the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, we come across more and more Demonized persons oppressed and vexed with hurting pain and habits. Our main theme in this ministry is that Jesus Christ has compassion and authority, because he came to set the Captives Free. In a Nutshell Standing In The Gap is Wagering War against the Powers of Darkness through Jesus Christ.

Please Contact us If You Need Prayer and Help With Spiritual Warfare







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